The End: of both a month and a dress

August is over. Officially it looks like summer is as well. I spent my bank holiday Monday determined to get something out of the day despite buckets of rain washing clean any last vestiges of dust that had escaped the attentions of previous clouds. That included biting the bullet and getting this dress finished, which has dragged its sorry self through an entire month and a depressingly slow pace of progress. To think this is the same person who sewed four dresses in the same amount of time in a previous year! To be fair, this was when it was a little less busy, but even so…

I’ve had to redo various bits after making a number of fatigue related errors. Still, we have got there. Sadly there’s no one to take photos of me in it but the dress form will model it nicely instead.

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I am feeling slightly foolish for planning (and making) two dresses which are so summer orientated whilst the weather is so cool that the quilt has relocated back on to the bed and I am wearing a wool cardigan. Still, you could call this advance sewing for next year right?

In the mean time, there is one immediate practical garment which has shoved its way on to my sewing to do list which will leave longer term readers pinching themselves in disbelief. I am intending to make (drum roll please) some stretch trousers for my yoga class. This, from the “I am not going to make any trousers again after making two for my sewing course”. Accept having spent 6 months in various poses using stretch jeans and sometimes finding the stretch a little, ummm, lacking my teacher suggested investing in something more akin to leggings. The only problem is that the last time I wore leggings was when I was about 13.

So I am not investing in any leggings, I am intending to make some stretch yoga trousers though. Happily lacking any tricky fly zip or lining. Hopefully Kwiksew 3988 won’t be too taxing though having read some reviews it looks like I will need to amend the crotch curve and fit a bit. Wish me luck!!